The images below are provide for use by media covering WP-HR Manager.
You will find logos, screen captures and team member pictures.
Logo Images
Below you can find various versions of the WP-HR Manager logo – both high resolution eps files and png files suitable for web use.

454 × 600 pixel .png file (suitable for web) of the main WP-HR Manager logo. Character name is Barbara.

452 × 600 pixel .png file (suitable for web) of the WP-HR Manager logo character. Character name is Barbara.

568 × 600 pixel .png file (suitable for web) of the WP-HR Manager logo character with halo. Character name is Barbara.

High resolution file in .eps format of the WP-HR Manager logo character standing. Zipped. Character name is Barbara.

High resolution file in .eps format. Zipped. Character name is Barbara.

High resolution file in .eps format. Zipped. Character name is Barbara.

High resolution file in .eps format. Zipped. Character name is Barbara.
Screen Captures
A selection of images of our plugin working.

1237 × 1006 pixel .png format image.

1237 × 1835 pixel .png format image.

1251 x 1412 pixel file in .png format.
Paul Gray, Managing Director of Black and White Digital Ltd (makers of WP-HR Manager):

Managing Director, Paul Gray – high resolution .jpg image. Zipped.

Managing Director, Paul Gray – high resolution .jpg image. Zipped.

Managing Director, Paul Gray – high resolution .jpg image. Zipped.