If you are deploying training modules to staff, you want to know they have been looked at and understood. WP-HR Manager, the leading HR system for WordPress, has launched a new add on that adds a useful training module on to the core Human Resources Management (HRM) plugin. Now HR and training managers can deploy training materials to employees, test their understanding and record the results directly to the employee’s online profile.
WP-HR Manager allows businesses to deploy a HRM system directly within their websites, provided the site is WordPress based. That means it’s great for distributed workforces as both HR managers and employees can access their records over the internet. Unlike cloud-based systems, however, there are no per-employee charges and owners have complete control of the software and data. It’s ideal for building an employee portal and with a range of add ons you can configure this to suit your needs. Now the latest ‘WP-HR Training’ add on fills a gap in the system, enabling HR managers to schedule training materials for employees to review and check they have done so by setting a simple test.

WP-HR Training settings for each training package.
The add on has obvious uses for remote workers where compliance also needs to be monitored. For example, one company is using the system to post quarterly training videos for drivers. Each video is needed to comply with health and safety legislation and it’s therefore vital to the company that they can keep a record of which employees have watched the video and what they understood. The inbuilt testing module in WP-HR Training allows HR managers to set a multiple-choice test, which displays a random sub-set of questions for the employee to answer. If they get the answers right, the system knows they have watched the video and records this. If not, they are required to re-watch and then take a new test. If users fail this on the third occasion, then a manager is notified and a manual intervention can be scheduled with the employee.
Commenting on the new plugin, Paul Gray, from WP-HR Manager, said:
With more flexible and off-site working, video is a great way to reach employees with training materials. But how do you know they even watched it? This plugin adds some great features to the WP-HR Manager employee portal. Anyone with web access can log on, watch the materials and then take a test. Managers can monitor the results and be certain the materials were watched. Employees can do the training from a remote location at a time of their choosing. It’s a great tool to help companies integrate video training into their education and compliance regimes.
WP-HR Manager can easily be added to any WordPress website and once added a range of extra modules can be bolted on including attendance management (with a phone app for check in / check out), recruitment, GDPR, additional fields and documents and even SMS messaging.

Employee training modules listed on the employee profile in WP-HR Manager.
If you are interested in using video for training, check out our related articles:
- Implementing Effective Video Training within companies – Top tips for making training videos
- Make your own training videos with Camtasia
Purchase our WP-HR Training add on to deploy training materials and test employee comprehension here.