I cannot find the self attendance option on the HR Dashboard. What should I check?
You have to enable self attendance feature from wp-Dashboard → WPHR Settings → Settings → HR → Attendance. You should also ensure there is at least one employee profile to see the check-in and check-out option.
Can employees check-in and out more than once a day?
No. The system counts the entries on a 24-hour basis. So only the first entry is considered as a check-in and the last one as a checkout.
What happens if there are duplicate entries? Or, what if I import the same file twice by mistake?
While the CSV file is being imported, there is no client or server side validation. So, the system cannot tell if you are uploading the same file or data twice. As a result, it will create duplicate entries.
HR Managers and System Admins have access to the importing feature and are advised to use with caution!
What happens when I am using WP-HR Attendance with HR frontend enabled?
In this case you will see two widgets and a new tab in your employee profiles. You cannot view or manage attendance for your employees from frontend. However, your employees will be able to self check-in and checkout from their frontend screen in addition to the Attendance tab on their HR profile.
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