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  4. 6.0 Pro Features
  5. 6.3 Import / Export

6.3 Import / Export

You can import and export data from employees into a .CSV format which is widely used to exchange data and can be opened in Excel and other spread sheet programs.

Navigate to: WP Dashboard → WPHR Settings → Tools



Exporting Data

Click on the ‘Export‘ tab.  Select the fields you require and click ‘Export’.



Importing Data

You may need to prepare your CSV file in advance.  If you export a file from the Export option first, you will have a list of the field names in their correct format.  You can paste these to the corresponding column headers in your import file or ‘map’ the fields when you import.

Import fields are case sensitive and some fields may not import if you do not get the format of the data correct.  You can download a sample CSV file on the Import screen.  The table below should also help you with the field formats.

Field NameRecord TypeFormatOptions
First NameNameTextAny
Middle NameNameTextAny
Last NameNameTextAny
User EmailEmailEmailAny
RoleJob FunctionTextUser defined
DepartmentDepartmentTextUser defined
LocationWork LocationSpecified as ID '1', '2' etcUser defined
Hiring SourceHow they heard about roleLower Case Textadvertisement, direct, newspaper, referral, social, web, other
Hiring DateHiring Dateyyyy-mm-ddAny
Date of Birth Date of Birthyyyy-mm-ddAny
Reporting ToManagerSpecified as ID '1', '2' etcTo find ID go to Employee profile and look in URL
Pay RatePayNumericAny
Pay TypePay TypeLower Case Texthourly, daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, contract
TypeEmployment TypeLower Case Textpermanent, parttime, contract, temporary, trainee
StatusEmployment StatusLower Case Textactive, terminated, deceased, resigned
Other EmailEmailEmailAny
Work PhonePhoneTextAny
AddressNOT USEDn/an/a
GenderGenderLower Case Textmale, female, other
Marital StatusMarital StatusLower Case Textsingle, married, widowed
NationalityNationalityCountry Codeeg. GB, US, PL
Driving LicenseDriving LicenceTextAny
User UrlPersonal WebsiteURLAny
Street 1AddressTextAny
Street 2AddressTextAny
CountryAddressCountry Codeeg. GB, US, PL
StateAddressState Codeeg. AK
Postal CodeAddressTextAny

Click on the ‘Import‘ Tab.

Click ‘Choose File‘ and locate the CSV file you wish to import.


When the file has imported you will see a list of fields in the left hand side of the screen and matching drop-down boxes on the left.  The system will try to match your CSV file fields to the correct fields in WP-HR Manager but you can adjust the mapping here if it is incorrect.


Once you are certain the fields are correctly mapped, click ‘Import‘ and your records will be created.